We believe in God as eternal Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God created and sustains the universe. The eternal purpose of God in Creation is to establish a people who will bring glory to God forever. God in His perfection is alone worthy of worship.
We believe that God became human in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to restore the world because humans have rejected God in disobedience. Jesus taught and modeled the way of God’s kingdom. He died on the cross, taking on Himself the penalty for our disobedience, making it possible for us to accept a renewed relationship with God. He rose from the dead, broke the power of sin and death, and frees us to live in obedience to God’s will.
We believe that God the Holy Spirit invites all people to be reconciled with God and to join the global family of faith. Believers confess their faith, are baptized, and join in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. Through the power of the Holy Spirit and guided by the Bible, members of the church seek to live as followers of Christ and invite others to experience this new life.
We believe God has made himself known to all people, beginning with creation and culminating in Jesus Christ. God has revealed himself in the Old and New Testaments. All Scripture is inspired by God and is the authoritative guide for faith and practice. We interpret Scripture in the church community as guided by the Holy Spirit.
We believe in, and look forward to, the day when God will once again send Jesus to bring all things under God’s eternal rule.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to turn:
People of Hope, with a Message of Hope, to a World seeking Hope
Our Purpose is to love our God and honour His name
by loving each other and our neighbour as Christ has loved us
Our Priority is to know and glorify God, and to enjoy him daily
Our Pledge is to love and care for one another as an active community of faith
Our Culture is welcoming and serving, adaptable and transparent
Our Outreach is through imitating Christ in serving our community
thereby igniting a desire to know Him more
Our dream is to be a beacon of hope in our community,
multiplying into a network of light-giving beacons around the mid-island
Through the Spirit of God we will achieve our dream
by modeling the message of our risen Lord through our intimacy with God, our love for each other and our care for our neighbours